Videos, Research, Resources

Below are some links to relevant videos, educational resources, etc. We also provide information concerning current research.

Over time we aim to expand the resources on this page and welcome your suggestions and comments.



The gushing of water from flowing wells attracted public attention and scientific curiosity as early as the 17th century, but little attention has been paid to the influence of flowing wells on the evolution of groundwater science. The historical perspective of the causes of flowing well conditions and the influence of flowing wells on groundwater science could lead to a deeper understanding of the evolution of groundwater science and guide future studies on the hydraulics of flowing wells.

A historical overview: Jiang, X.-W., Cherry, J., and Wan, L.: Flowing wells: terminology, history and role in the evolution of groundwater science, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 6001–6019.

Read the full paper here.


Educational lecture about groundwater flow systems and Hungarian case studies by Ádám Tóth given at Focus on Water Summer School, Budapest, 2017.

Groundwater flow basics (the driving force of groundwater, unit and composite basins), consequences of groundwater flow (e.g. vegetation types, landslides, heat transport, speleogenesis) and human impact on groundwater were introduced and presented.

You can access the slides of this presentation by clicking on the cover on the righthand side.



Short history and evolution of regional groundwater flow theory were summarized by Okke Batelaan during his keynote presentation given at the Calgary Symposium, 2017.

Future scientific challenges were also highlighted, such as geometry beyond the cross-section, spatial distribution of recharge, realization of complex subsurface heterogeneities, effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities.

You can access the slides of this presentation by clicking on the cover on the righthand side.



Lecture of Prof. József Tóth at Flinders University

Watch the lecture by clicking on the image.

Lecture about the importance of Regional Groundwater Flow Systems

Running under our feet? – Underground flows in water circulation
TV Presentation by Judit Mádl-Szőnyi, made by Encompass 2.0 Ltd. Hungary

Watch the lecture by clicking on the image.

Photo: András Mayer, Encompass 2.0 Hungary

Photo: András Mayer, Encompass 2.0 Hungary

Groundwater Flow Understanding by Samira Ouysse & J. Joel Carrillo-Rivera


Direct observation of complex groundwater flow systems


For details please refer to Liang X, Liu Y, Jin MG, Lu XC, Zhang RQ. 2010. Direct observation of complex Tóthian groundwater flow systems in the laboratory. Hydrological processes. 24: 3568-3573. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7758

Tutorials in Regional Groundwater Flow System Analysis by Prof. Carlos Molano Cajigas

Spreadsheets for Groundwater Flow System Analysis – Tóth problem

Watch the tutorials here: Part 1Part 2Part 3




Projects related to regional groundwater flow theory and its application

Experiment and simulation of groundwater flow systems in a basin with varied precipitation

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41807186)
Project manager: Hong Niu
Institute: South-Central University for Nationalities, China
Duration: 2019-2021

The theory of regional groundwater flow system is an effective tool to study the law of groundwater circulation and evolution in the basin, but it has not yet systematically considered the influence of precipitation variation. Precipitation is the main source of groundwater recharge in the basin, and it has significant annual variation. However, the steady flow simulation with invariant recharge is difficult to reflect the actual groundwater flow model in the basin. Therefore, it’s necessary to study the groundwater flow system in the basin with varied recharge. The purpose of this study is to build the groundwater flow model with varied recharge and estimate the influence range of changing recharge in the groundwater flow system. In this study, a series of physical experiments are carried out by Demonstrating Instrument of Multi-order Groundwater Flow Systems. By monitoring the water head changes with
high precision sensor combining head mutation and flow path tracing, we analyze the characteristics of the groundwater flow system in the basin with homogeneous isotropic and stratified heterogeneous media. At the same time, the numerical simulation model is established by using MODFLOW program. The characteristics of the groundwater flow system in small and medium-sized basins with homogeneous isotropy and anisotropy and stratified heterogeneous media are revealed, by analyzing the changes of the velocity vector, flow path and water head. This study could enrich the theory of groundwater flow system and provide guidance for the utilization of groundwater resources and agricultural production.


Groundwater residence time distribution and identification of hierarchical groundwater flow system under transient condition

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41807219)
Project manager: Jiale Wang
Institute: Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute of Changjiang Water Resources Commission, China
Duration of the project: 2019-2021

In the present research, numerical models are developed to acquire groundwater residence time distribution under
transient condition. The method of identifying hierarchical groundwater flow system is proposed by analyzing the relationship between groundwater residence time distribution and the nested structure of hierarchical groundwater flow system. Based on the theoretical analysis, the case study of Jinan karst groundwater flow system is conducted.
Different flow hierarchies, as well as their evolvement in the three-dimensional transient groundwater flow system, are identified based on the groundwater residence time distribution. Groundwater levels, hydrochemical and stable isotopic data acquired from the regional discharge area at different depths are also employed to verify the theoretical research results.


Comparison of nitrogen transport and transformation between the hyporheic zones of recharge and discharge areas

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41672246)
Project manager: Menggui Jin, Professor of hydrogeology
Institute: China University of Geosciences, Wuhan and Xinjiang Agricultural University
Duration of the project: 2017-2020

This project will reveal the biogeochemical behaviour and microbial mechanism of nitrogen transport and transformation between surface-water and groundwater in the representative areas of recharge and discharge of a regional groundwater flow system. The differences of dissolved oxygen, temperature gradient, redox conditions, hydro-biogeochemical conditions as well as the direction and velocity of vertical groundwater flow between recharge and discharge areas will be paid much attention to nitrogen transport and transformation through the hyporheic zone of surface water-groundwater interactions. The project is of significance on theory and practical application to assess nitrogen input and output of a groundwater system, determine the nitrogen cycle flux across the surface-water and groundwater interface, and prevent or repair nitrogen pollution of groundwater and surface water.


Study of groundwater flow pattern and recharge and discharge in an arid inland basin

National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1403282)
Project manager: Menggui Jin, Professor of hydrogeology
Institute: China University of Geosciences, Wuhan and Xinjiang Agricultural University
Address: 388 Lumo Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China
e-mail address:
Duration of the project: 2015-2018

This project will investigate the mechanism of groundwater recharge and discharge at different locations of hierarchical flow systems in the Manas River basin, a typical arid inland basin in northwest China. Multiple techniques will be used to clarify the evaporation and salt accumulation in the areas of upward flows and determine the source of groundwater in discharge areas. The results of this project will be of great significance in understanding the occurrence and evolution of groundwater, accurate evaluation and rational use of groundwater, and management of soil salinity and ecological environment in the arid inland basin.


Evaluation of hypogenic karstification, focusing on microbially mediated processes

Hungarian Research Foundation (OTKA) (101356)
Project manager: Judit Mádl-Szonyi, Associate Professor of Hydrogeology
Institute: Department of Physical and Applied Geology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Address: Pázmány Péter stny. 1/C. Budapest 1117, Hungary
e-mail address:
Duration of the project: 03. 2012 – 02. 2017

Hypogenic karst systems are in the focus of research interest in the last decades. The Buda Thermal Karst system is an active hypogenic karst area where fluids with their dynamics, effects and products can be studied directly. Hypogenic karst development and its manifestations caused by flowing groundwater will be interpreted in flow system context. The proposed comprehensive study will provide an overview of the controlling factors of hypogenic processes and will enhance our knowledge of microbially mediated speleogenesis. Generalization of the results may be applicable in similar settings worldwide.

Visit ResearchGate for all related publications: 


Basin-scale groundwater circulation

National Natural Science Foundation of China
Project manager: Xiao-Wei Jiang
Duration of the project: 2016-2018

The 3D structure of groundwater flow systems and the hydrochemical evolution of groundwater circulation during groundwater circulation. The techniques used include numerical simulation, field measurements of groundwater levels, and chemical tracers.

Visit ResearchGate for all related publications: 


Application guide of the theory and method on groundwater flow system

China Geological Survey (No. 12120733908).
Project manager: Xing Liang, Professors of hydrogeology
Institutes: China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Address: 388 Lumo Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Duration of the project: 2008-2012

The project will summarize the theory and method of groundwater flow system and focus on their application. The application procedures will be compiled and representative case studies will be provided for different geological conditions such as the areas of karst, fractured medium and unconsolidated materials.


Coordinate regulation mechanism of water, salinity and trace elements in a cotton field with film mulched drip irrigation using brackish water

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41172218).
Project manager: Menggui Jin, Professor of hydrogeology.
Institute: China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
Address: 388 Lumo Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Duration of the project: 2012-2015

This project will investigate the patterns of soil water flow system in a cotton field with mulched drip irrigation using brackish water and their effects on water flow, distribution and consumption of nutrients, salt transport and accumulation, and so on. The study will find proper controlling modes on water, salt and nutrient for mulched drip irrigation with saline water for the purpose of more efficient use of water and nutrients. The results will be of significance for spreading saline water irrigation and prevention and cure of soil salinization in arid areas.

Papers related to regional groundwater flow theory and its application

Groundwater flow systems and modern hydrogeology: the story of half a century: list of references compiled by József Tóth

Publications by Jin Menggui related to groundwater flow system: list of references

Recent publications by Emilio Custodio related to groundwater flow system: list of references


The Commission launched a ResearchGate project entitled Selection of papers related to Regional Groundwater Flow. This project was created and is managed by the Regional Groundwater Flow Commission of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (RGFC-IAH) in cooperation with the József & Erzsébet Tóth Endowed Hydrogeology Chair. This project is a selection of international papers related to the research and practical application of regional groundwater flow theory.
If you are interested and would like to be involved, please let us know. After joining, you can add your flow system related papers, books, etc. to the project to have a nice selection of this topic.

You can access the project by clicking on the logo.